COVID-19/Novel-Coronavirus Update Regarding Face Coverings
The leadership of the Humane Society for Hamilton County continues to closely monitor the current COVID-19/Novel-Coronavirus situation and is following the guidance of the CDC and requirements mandated by the Fishers Health Department regarding face coverings.
As of April 6, 2021, face coverings are encouraged but optional in our facility.
It is very important to us that our staff, volunteers, supporters, partners and customers understand that the Humane Society for Hamilton County cares deeply about their safety and well-being. Our standard, daily protocol is to keep our building as clean and sanitary as possible to prevent the spread of infectious disease in animals and humans. Our employees continue to be COVID screened upon arrival every day to ensure they don’t have a fever or any other concerning symptoms, and we will continue this daily screening for the foreseeable future.
We ask that all guests extend the same concern to our staff and volunteers and not enter the building if you are ill, running a fever, or have any concerning symptoms.
We will update our website with more information regarding COVID-19/Novel-Coronavirus as it becomes available. Please visit for more information.
Rebecca Stevens
President and CEO
Humane Society for Hamilton County
Hours of Operation
Administrative Hours | Adoption Hours | |
Sunday | 8am-5pm | 12-5pm |
Monday | 8am-5pm | 12-5pm |
Tuesday | 8am-7pm | 12-7pm |
Wednesday | 8am-5pm | CLOSED |
Thursday | 8am-7pm | 12-7pm |
Friday | 8am-5pm | 12-5pm |
Saturday | 8am-5pm | 12-5pm |
updated May 19, 2021
Previous Statements
July 6, 2020 | Transitioning Back to Normal
Like you, HSHC is working to transition back to business as usual as safely as possible. We are returning to our normal hours and building occupancy will open up with social distancing guidelines still in place. We know the last few months have made it more difficult than normal to find a furry companion and we can’t wait to help you complete your family.
Beginning Monday, July 6, 2020, we will implement new procedures as outlined by Stage 4.5 of the Governor’s Indiana Reopening Plan. These procedures include managing building occupancy, continuing to require face coverings/masks, and returning to our normal procedures and business hours for adoptions, fosters and intakes.
Building Occupancy
We will no longer have a maximum number of people allowed in the building. However, we do ask that all guests continue to practice social distancing. If our lobby and facility becomes full to the point where social distancing is not possible, we will ask people to wait outside. While this may result in a short wait, we appreciate your patience as we work to continue to keep everyone safe.
Required Face Masks/Coverings
The public spaces in our facility are extremely small and congested. Therefore, we will be requiring that everyone wear some type of face mask (scarf, actual mask, bandana, etc.) If you do not have an item like this available, we will provide you a mask for a $1 donation.
Hours of Operation
Administrative Hours | Adoption Hours | |
Sunday | 8am-5pm | 12-5pm |
Monday | 8am-5pm | 12-5pm |
Tuesday | 8am-7pm | 12-7pm |
Wednesday | 8am-5pm | CLOSED |
Thursday | 8am-7pm | 12-7pm |
Friday | 8am-5pm | 12-5pm |
Saturday | 8am-5pm | 12-5pm |
May 8, 2020 | Adjusted Adoption Policies
Dear HSHC Supporters,
Like you, HSHC is working to transition back to business as usual as safely as possible. We are in the beginning steps of opening to the public. We know the last few weeks have made it more difficult than normal to find a furry companion and we can’t wait to help you complete your family.
Beginning Monday, May 11, 2020, we will implement new procedures as outlined by Stage 2 of the Governor’s Indiana Reopening Plan. These procedures include managing building occupancy, requiring face coverings/masks, and adjusting our adoption, intake and fostering processes.
If you have already filled out your foster or adoption application and were approved, please contact our team at once you find an animal you are interested in on our website. Please note that all animals listed on our website are available for adoption even if they are currently fostered. You may have previously applied for a specific animal, and if they are no longer listed on the website as available, they have been adopted by their foster family. If you still need to fill out an adoption application, please do so online.
The safety of our visitors, volunteers, staff and animals is our top concern. We’ll keep you posted on changes to our processes as they occur. As always, we are incredibly grateful for your continued support. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us at (317) 773-4974.
Stay safe and well,
Rebecca Stevens
President and CEO
Humane Society for Hamilton County
Building Occupancy
To maintain social distancing, no more than five (5) people will be allowed in the building at a time. No more than four (4) people may occupy the adoption catteries at a time. Since most of our dogs are currently in foster homes, our kennel will not be open at this time.
Because our facility is small with the public areas easily congested, we are also limiting the number of visitors per party to two (2) individuals. For example, a family of four will have to take turns to visit the cats. While this may result in a short wait, we appreciate your patience as we work to keep everyone safe.
Required Face Masks/Coverings
The public spaces in our facility are extremely small and congested. Therefore, we will be requiring that everyone wear some type of face mask (scarf, actual mask, bandana, etc.) If you do not have an item like this available, we will provide you a mask for a $1.00 donation.
Adoption Process
- Visit our website to find the names of the cat(s) you may be interested in adopting.
- Visit the shelter during the adjusted adoption hours noted below to meet your prospective furry family member(s).
- When you arrive at the shelter, please send in no more than two people to check in with our greeter.
- A staff member will meet you in the lobby for your feline meet and greet.
- If you decide to adopt, we will ask that one person from the party remain inside to fill out paperwork while the others wait outside.
- Visit our website to find the names of the dog(s) you are interested in adopting.
- Please fill out an adoption application online with the name of the dog(s) you are interested in, and an HSHC staff member will be in touch with you within 48 business hours to discuss your application and/or schedule a meet and greet appointment.
- At the time of your appointment, you and your family (including any other dogs in your household) will have an opportunity to meet prospective new canine companions.
- When you arrive, please call the phone number posted on the door and a staff member will meet you outside for your showing.
- If you decide to adopt, we will ask that one person from the party remain inside to fill out paperwork while the others wait outside.
Hours of Operation
Administrative Hours | Adjusted Adoption Hours | |
Sunday | 8am-5pm | 12-5pm |
Monday | 8am-5pm | 12-5pm |
Tuesday | 8am-5pm | 12-5pm |
Wednesday | CLOSED | CLOSED |
Thursday | 8am-5pm | 12-5pm |
Friday | 8am-5pm | 12-5pm |
Saturday | 8am-5pm | 12-5pm |
Intake Process
- If you have found a stray animal, or you need to surrender a personal pet, please pull into the parking lot and call (317) 773-4974 any time during our administrative hours noted above.
- You will be asked to describe the make, model and color of your car so our team can locate you. Please, remain in your car at all times, our team will come to you.
- An HSHC staff member will meet you at your car to complete all necessary paperwork and take the animal inside for processing.
Fostering Process
- Please fill out a foster application online and note the specific name(s) of any dogs/cats you may have an interest in fostering.
- An HSHC staff member will be in touch with you to discuss your application within 48 business hours to schedule an appointment.
- Please note that not all adoptable pets may be available for fostering.
Appointment Process for Current Fosters
- It is very important that all current fosters make an appointment with the Foster Care Program Manager prior to visiting the shelter for any reason. That contact number was provided to you with your foster paperwork.
- When you arrive for your appointment, please park, call the provided number and describe the make, model and color of your car.
- An HSHC staff person will come out to you, so please remain in your car at all times.
updated May 8, 2020
May 3, 2020 | Trends for Tails Reopening
Good news! Trends for Tails Resale Boutique will be OPEN to serve you in a limited capacity beginning tomorrow!
We will be following Governor Holcomb’s plan for 50% capacity, allowing up to three customers to shop at a time, with social distancing. Our door will remain locked, with one of our team members allowing shoppers to enter as capacity allows. Should a line form along the sidewalk, please keep socially distant at least six feet from one another.
Our staff and volunteers will be wearing masks and gloves, and will sanitize high touch areas frequently. They will be checked for fever and/or illness prior to beginning their shift.
Our Poshmark and eBay online stores will remain open to continue to allow us to fundraise for HSHC. But we are thrilled to be able to slowly open the boutique and see our beautiful Trends friends once more. We’ve missed you!
Store hours: Mon-Sat 10am-6pm
Address: 1109 S. 10th St., Noblesville
March 20, 2020 | Closed for Adoptions
Dear HSHC Supporters,
As the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak continues to grow, our top priority is the health and safety of our community while keeping our lifesaving commitment to the animals depending on us.
In response to the increasing concern regarding COVID-19, the Humane Society for Hamilton County is closing to the public and ceasing adoptions effective immediately. These proactive measures are being taken in an effort to keep our staff, volunteers, and customers safe, follow the recommendations of public health officials, and focus our team and resources to maximize our lifesaving impact.
We will continue accepting Hamilton County’s lost, stray, and unwanted animals with updated hours. If you are surrendering an animal, bringing in a stray or looking for a lost pet, please call (317) 773-4974 ahead. Our hours for intake and looking for a lost pet will be 8-11am and 3-5pm.
The Humane Society for Hamilton County, just like most organizations, is having to do extra work in response to this virus and is already feeling the financial impact. As with all healthcare institutions and first responders, the care for these animals must continue. The animals depend on us 365 days a year–no matter what. Our staff, volunteers and fosters will continue to care for the animals during these difficult times. So please remember as we all work through this that we need the continued support of our community partners, sponsors, and YOU, to provide the care each animal deserves.
Please help us with our greatest, most urgent needs.
- -Donate: During this crucial time, funds are more critical than ever to help us keep operations flowing and to get needed supplies. Please consider making a donation in support of the animals in our care.
- -Contribute Supplies: To help with needed supplies, please visit our wish list.
We are closely monitoring the situation and making real-time adjustments as needed. Stay updated by visiting our COVID-19 page .
And lastly, if you don’t already have one, please create an emergency plan for your pet. Make sure pets are wearing identification, have crates and extra supplies and food. Also, identify a caregiver who can help take care of your pet in case you become ill.
Stay safe and well,
Rebecca Stevens
President and CEO
Humane Society for Hamilton County
updated March 20, 2020
March 17, 2020 | Limiting Building Occupancy
Dear HSHC Supporters,
As the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak continues to grow, our top priority is the health and safety of our community while keeping our lifesaving commitment to the animals depending on us.
In response to the increasing concern regarding COVID-19, the Humane Society for Hamilton County is temporarily making changes to some of our services as noted below. These proactive measures are being taken in an effort to keep our staff, volunteers, and customers safe, follow the recommendations of public health officials, and focus our team and resources to maximize our lifesaving impact.
Effective immediately, we are limiting public traffic in our building to no more than 10 customers at a time. This means you may experience longer than normal wait times and may be asked to wait in your car. We ask that you please be patient with our staff and volunteers as we try to accommodate as many people as we can while keeping the safety of our staff, volunteers and the public a top priority.
Pet Adoptions & Foster Placements
As an open admission facility, we do not, and will not, limit our animal intake during times of crisis. This is why pet adoptions and foster placements remain critical to ensure we continue to have enough space to accommodate new arrivals who are still coming in.
This is an ideal time for you to introduce a pet to your family and infuse what is a very difficult time with some joy and purpose.
To better facilitate this process to ensure social distancing, your entire family will not be required to come into the shelter to meet a prospective pet (some exceptions may apply and will simply require a longer hold period until restrictions are lifted).
See all of our available pets here. To help the flow of traffic during your visit, please fill out an online adoption application.
Animal Intake
We will continue accepting Hamilton County’s lost, stray, and unwanted animals according to standard procedure. WE WILL NOT TURN THEM AWAY.
Please help us with our greatest, most urgent needs.
- -Donate: During this crucial time, funds are more critical than ever to help us keep operations flowing and to get needed supplies. Please consider making a donation in support of the animals in our care.
- -Contribute Supplies: To help with needed supplies, please visit our wish list.
We are closely monitoring the situation and making real-time adjustments as needed. Stay updated by visiting our COVID-19 page or sign up for email to receive updates in your inbox.
Thank you for your continued support as we navigate this unprecedented situation. For additional information and updates on the impact of COVID-19 on our shelter and immediate needs please visit us on line here.
And lastly, if you don’t already have one, please create an emergency plan for your pet. Make sure pets are wearing identification, have crates and extra supplies and food. Also, identify a caregiver who can help take care of your pet in case you become ill.
Stay safe and well,
Rebecca Stevens
President and CEO
Humane Society for Hamilton County
March 16, 2020 | Trends for Tails Retail Boutique
The staff at Trends for Tails feels it is best at this time to join other responsible businesses in our city by promoting social distancing as much as possible. As of Monday 3/16/2020, we will be closed until further notice. The safety of our staff, volunteers and customers is our top priority. This is a strange and difficult time for the world, and many businesses are suffering, but we are seeing communities step up in a huge way to keep their local businesses alive. We still need your support to help care for the animals at the Humane Society for Hamilton County (Indiana). Please shop at our online Poshmark store and anything you order will be shipped to you.
Visit us here:
March 12, 2020 | CDC & WHO Guidelines
The leadership of the Humane Society for Hamilton County has been closely monitoring the current COVID -19/Novel-Coronavirus situation. At this time, and for the foreseeable future, the animal shelter and Trends for Tails Resale Boutique will remain open and fully operational. We will operate under our normal business hours.
The decision as to whether or not the Humane Society and/or Trends for Tails Resale Boutique will be closed to the public will be assessed in real time on a day-by-day basis. The leadership of The Humane Society for Hamilton County has established clear and realistic guidelines for if or when this decision faces us. Please keep in mind that it is our standard protocol for staff and volunteers to ensure our building is as clean and sanitary as possible on a daily basis to curb the spread of infectious disease in animals and humans. To date, there is no evidence that companion animals or pets can spread COVID-19 (per CDC guidance). For the latest information about coronavirus and pets, we encourage you to visit the links below:
In an effort to reduce the potential for COVID-19/Novel-Coronavirus to spread to more people through large gatherings, the Humane Society for Hamilton County is also following the guidance of the CDC and Hamilton County Health Department. To assist in accomplishing this, The Humane Society for Hamilton County will be postponing all outreach events scheduled through the end of March 2020. Hopefully, these will be rescheduled in April or at a later date to be determined.
It is very important to us, that our staff, volunteers, supporters, partners and customers understand that the Humane Society for Hamilton County cares deeply about their safety and well-being. We appreciate your understanding while we work to ensure not only the public’s safety, but also provide staff and volunteers with the opportunity to focus on their own health and personal care as we continue to serve the animals who are depending on us.
The Humane Society for Hamilton County, just like most organizations, is having to do extra work in response to this virus and is already feeling the financial impact. As with all healthcare institutions and first responders, our operations must continue. The animals depend on us 365 days a year–no matter what. Please remember we still need the continued support of our community partners, sponsors, and YOU to help us provide the care each animal deserves.
Here is some additional information regarding COVID-19/Novel-Coronavirus:
- CDC |
- Hamilton County Health Department |
Rebecca Stevens
President and CEO
Humane Society for Hamilton County
updated March 12, 2020
COVID-19 and Animals
Is it safe to visit the shelter?
Yes! Many adoptable cats and dogs are still looking for their forever home. Follow these recommended preventative actions from the CDC to help prevent the spread of the virus.
-Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
-Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
-Stay home if you are sick.
-Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw it in the trash.
-Wash your hands before and after handling or petting animals.
Should I be concerned about pets or other animals and COVID-19?
While this virus seems to have emerged from an animal source, it is now spreading from person-to-person in China. There is no reason to think that any animals including pets in the United States might be a source of infection with this new coronavirus. To date, CDC has not received any reports of pets or other animals becoming sick with COVID-19. At this time, there is no evidence that companion animals including pets can spread COVID-19. However, since animals can spread other diseases to people, it’s always a good idea to wash your hands after being around animals. For more information on the many benefits of pet ownership, as well as staying safe and healthy around animals including pets, livestock, and wildlife, visit CDC’s Healthy Pets, Healthy People website.
Should I avoid contact with pets or animals if I am sick with COVID-19?
You should restrict contact with pets and other animals while you are sick with COVID-19, just like you would around other people. Although there have not been reports of pets or other animals becoming sick with COVID-19, it is still recommended that people sick with COVID-19 limit contact with animals until more information is known about the virus. When possible, have another member of your household care for your animals while you are sick. If you are sick with COVID-19, avoid contact with your pet, including petting, snuggling, being kissed or licked, and sharing food. If you must care for your pet or be around animals while you are sick, wash your hands before and after you interact with pets and wear a facemask.
Other COVID-19 frequently asked questions
Community Outreach Events
If you would like to cancel or reschedule your event, please contact Community Outreach Manager Jennifer Hatcher at HSHC is not scheduling any community outreach events at this time.
Support HSHC by Supporting Our Sponsors
Many of Humane Society for Hamilton County corporate sponsors are local small businesses. Some of our sponsors are being directly impacted by COVID-19, while others able to pay it forward even further than they already are. Please, take a look at our loyal supporters. Let’s get through this together.
Current stands ready to help advertisers however/whenever/wherever possible with special incentives to help them actually grow their business during this time of uncertainty. Please reach out to Executive VP and GM, Steve Greenberg for more info.
If you are in need of any pet supplies please consider HSHC sponsor and supporter Speck’s Pet Supplies. All locations accept call ahead orders and have curbside pickup! Visit https://www.speckspets.
Our employees will be taken care of the best we can in these troubling times. We value them immensely, they are the heart and soul of our business. Thank you for your patience, and we hope to see you all soon.
–Elizabeth B., General Manager
Since 2001, CSI Signs has produced quality, customized sign solutions for clients in and around Indianapolis. From small “Mom-and-Pop” businesses to big-name corporations, we’ve provided unique, high-quality, custom signs, vehicle graphics, customer banners and other signage solutions for practically every industry. At the core of our company are honest, friendly and hard-working individuals. Our passion is designing, creating and installing the perfect signs for our customers, and we pride ourselves on our superior customer service.
To learn more about CSI, a HSHC Annual Corporate Sponsor and Hamilton County local business located in Noblesville, visit their website at:
T&T Sales and Promotions is your one-stop shop for t-shirts, promotional items, spirit wear, corporate apparel, company stores and much more. Established in 2001, this community-minded business located in Noblesville, has been providing clients with outstanding service and quality products at affordable prices. HSHC has been so grateful to have T&T and their amazing team’s support as an Annual Corporate Sponsor for many years. Please think of T&T Sales & Promotions for your next project and/or business needs! Visit their website at
To Our Valued Customers,
As a designated essential service (and at a time when your home comfort and safety is of most importance), We at Chapman want to assure you, we are available and continue to provide all needed heating, cooling, plumbing and indoor air quality services. We are following all CDC guidelines and taking appropriate precautions for the health and safety of our employees and you, our valued customer. Thank you for your loyalty and we wish you and your family health and patience during this challenging time.
Jeffrey Chapman